Thursday, March 10, 2011

a Man who stutters has a lot to say

To say it plainly, The Kings Speech is refreshingly simple.
 The plot deals with a different and maybe overlooked aspect of the pressures of royalty-
 Down to the most basic concept of public speaking, and trying not looking like an asshole in front of millions of your people. Forget that though- Geoffry Rush definitely steals the show with his relaxed and composed nature on-screen. Ultimately The King's Speech is a film which becomes much more about the relationship and on screen chemistry between actors Colin Firth (King George VI) and his speech therapist (Rush) than anything else. The bitter-sweetness and simplicity of the growing friendship between the two out-weigh the actual heaviness of the narrative which is quite dark (e.g., Declaring WWII, dying parents, the depression, etc).
The richness of royal architecture, Regal clothing (worn unpretentiously by Helena Bonham), and simple but highly stylistic film quality are all modestly toned and cut down to a blue/rustic appearance - which suits the flavour of the entire film, and leaves you feeling good about life, and sympathetic of any Stammerer.

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