Friday, January 29, 2010


Oh! The List continues..

10) Soft foods: As we all know, teeth are one of the more precious and temporary things in life. No one gets that like seniors, that's why they stock up on apple sauce, soup and anything mashed!

11) Coupons: These discount dwellers aren't about to pass up the 30% off saver section in the paper. If you're a cashier at somewhere like No Frills or Zellers I feel bad for you.

12) Cooking/Baking: Old people (the ladies in particular) are WICKED cooks/bakers. It's just inherent in their oldness...don't ask questions.

13) Bridge: they will destroy you at Bridge or rummy or bingo or scrabble. Don't you even TRY it.

14) Getting Ripped off: NOBODY falls for Infomercials like Old people. Is that karma for being such brutal drivers? I dont know...just saying.

15) Practicality over fashion: One thing you learn above all when you get saggy in so many different ways is that your midevil Fashion techniques hurt you in ways no 20 year old could EVER UNDERSTAND. Rock those high wasted panties and orthopaedic shoes babe'ma, you've earned it.

16) Florida: WHAT THE FUCK IS IN FLORIDA THAT OLD PEOPLE LOVE SO MUCH?!!?!?! This is the greatest senior mystery of all, but I cant help but think that I must be missing out... So let's see: It's sunny, there's an entire land of people dressed up like cartoon characters with its own currency...there are delicious oranges and it's a city with a population of roughly half criminals and half retired golfin' types. Sounds about right!

17) Cats: MEWOUR!!!! I think the main reason that old people like to own several/have pictures of/live for/die for their cats is they're basically the animal version of a Senior Citizens!
- They nap (a lot..)
- Keep things tidy
- Prefer soft/wet food
- Have hair in weird places
- can't drive
etc, etc.. And you know what, I have respect for that connection- it's lovely.

Honestly though, Golf courses are great, it's one of the only enclosed areas where its socially acceptable to move as slow/drive as badly/get up as early as old people do. Plus, since the golfers are so well spread out on the course, you can get away with that hearing loss problem!

19) Senior citizen organizations ie: Tours are cute because it's like a buddy system for the elderly.
There are two common times in life when you have the freedom/money to travel the world. One is around the college years, and the other is (you guessed it) AFTER you've had/gotten rid of your 4 kids,been through two divorces and have finally retired from the job you'e hated for the past 38 years, you can finally go see the Eiffel tower! GET OUT THERE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!

20) Seminars on various things: Now that they have all of this free time, they can finally learn how to properly assemble flower arrangements..or paint a self portrait. What? Thats nice.

21) The Church: Much like the bingo hall, discount stores, golf courses and retirement homes; the Church is a "Senior Safe Zone". Plus, you cant out-religious an old person... They've got all the hymns memorized, know all the priest personally (if you know what i mean..) and probably have more guilt than you thought humanly possible!

22) Perms and Short Haircuts (to the elderladies' ): I'm not sure what they have against long, straight hair..but these foxes are all about short, curly, stinky, chemically, crusty, greyish fucking hair! Whatever it is, it's hot and KEEP DOING IT

23) Napping: In section 167 of the life manual: You are entitled to unlimited napping after age 55.

24) Dentures

25) Plenty of Fibre

26) Being Thoughtful

27) Swiss Chalet

28) TV Guides

29) Book Clubs

30) Literally having Tea parties

31) Vaporizers

32) Small China trinkets

33) Over Sized Sunglasses (but not in the Hollywood, fashion forward kind of way)

34) Having trouble with ANY kind of technology

35) Opaque Stockings

36) Suspenders

37) Tic Tacs

38) Hanker chiefs

39) Gentle Swear words..for example: "dear me" "oh dear" "goodness gracious"

40) A glass of warm milk

41) Mild/Moderate exercise

42) Complaining:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Things Old People like Part I

Ahhhh, old people: Where to begin? Yes they may be slow and "in the way" but before you shove them aside, think about how much they've been through in their wrinkly years.
- WW1
- WW2
- The train...
- Plato
- Aristotle... These bingo champions have seen it all! And if they havent, then they've still seen a lot more than you!

But what happens when we get old? How do you go from the ignorant 13 year old shit-head whipping toilet paper rolls at houses to the 67 year old attending knitting seminars every thursday?
I may sound like I'm mocking the stereotypes ascociated with our senior citizens...but really I'm fascinated. How are these trends created? What norms are they following, and seriously, why are they so fucking cute about it?!

If you're still not convinced, here's a list of undeniable Senior "trends"


ok, Fact: Old people LOVE Bingo. Sure, it may seem lame that it's the center of their social lives. But really, I think they've got it figured out, and we're the suckers still out there learning about life..

A senior pre-requisite. Dont believe me? Ask Mabel about'll see.

If there's one thing seniors are as careful about as their frail bodies its their spending habits. You tell em' grandma!

Deterioration, bunions, corns, yellow toe nails.....Although these are all major turn ons, nothing gets grandpas' pace maker going like a nice pair of loafers with extra arch support and a quarter inch heel....


Your Grandparents went through a lot of shit raising your parents...and now they get to watch them suffer the same hell. There's something beautiful about that...

Very good at board games....I wouldn't even challenge Grandma to a game of Scategories...let alone fucking Scrabble.

Paris Hilton aint got shit.

Get out the polish... Grandma wants you to clean the Niagra Falls spoon again.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Mall.

Working in public places affords me the opportunity to sit back and notice people...and all of their subtleties.
On the most part, people are pretty tame: They eat, consume, browse, talk and leave.
But then you have ...the others
- the mall rats (livin large beside Bluenotes)
- The entertainment regulars (the fountain watchers)
- The Asian kids who practice DDR in front of Pickle Barrel...(actually)
- the drunks
- and last but not least: The crazy fuckers who come in demanding you give them your pen so that they can write down what day it is.
every. single. week.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sometimes, rap battles break out in your kitchen...and you just have to go with it.
In this video: Casey, Danielle Marie III and Gape

Monday, January 11, 2010

Danger on the Track

Again, my brother and I tend to go on random adventures.
On the day this was filmed,it was about 30 C*, we spent 8 hours in the sun biking around the lake, joking and skateboarding.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Christmas Viking

This is my first little film project.
This year, my brother took our cousins toy sword outside and went nutts (after way too much sugar).
Obviously I thought it would be a good idea to film it!

Probably one of best things about this clip is my parents just appearing out of NOwhere..haha

THE XMAS VIKING, with Judas Priest- The Exciter

In their Honour,

Seriously. Why are cats so funny?

Ask almost any cat owner to start describing their feline and they'll get this goofy, parent-like look on their face as they begin to tell you all about how sensitive tinker bells' whiskers are. Disgusting. Yes
Do we blame them...No.

Maybe it's their endearing little eating habits...or how they're always so goddamn tired and have to sleep 18 hours a day..
Or maybe it's how no matter what is happening, they always look REALLY serious/alarmed!
Maybe we'll never know what the secret to their hilarity is...But I think, in the mean time I'll just let these examples speak for themselves