Saturday, February 20, 2010


SHOGUN ASSASSIN or (lone-wolf and cub) is my all time favorite ninja/samurai movie.
Like most legends, It begins with a tragedy and becomes a story about a man and his family being banished from town and running for their lives.
This is really an excuse for Lone-wolf and his 5 year old son "cub" to kill as many people as possible in the time it takes him to seek revenge (for said tragedy).
The dubbing is ridiculous, (which kind of just makes it more incredible) along with the fact that:

- Everything is over exaggerated. From the blood spraying, sound effects, 80's techno soundtrack and over the top drawn out deaths...
-40 VS 1 fight scenes that last about 7 minutes each..
- And on going body count taken by cub.. (probably the most hard core 5 year old you could find)

Basically, if you're into Kung Fu, (or claim to not suck in general) Just find this movie and watch it!!!

- Danielle Marie III

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